Home adress 46, corpus 1, Litovsky bulvar, Apt. 131, Moscow, 117588, Russia. Telephone: 7-95-426-05-96
Work adress Mental Health Research Center Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow, Russia 34, Kashirskoe Sh., Moscow, 115522, Russia. Telephone: 7-499-615-93-19


Since 2005 Head of bioanalytical laboratory (a freelancer) at the Chemical Diversity Research Insnitute, Khimki, Moscow, Russia.
Development of express methods for quantitative determination of drug-candidates using the bioanalytical procedures such as high-pressure liquid chromatography (LC), combined LC mass spectrometric (MS) procedures such as LC-MS, LC-MS-MS. Preclinical investigations of drug-candidates pharmacokinetics. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of drug-candidates and their metabolites during clinical trial phases I and II.
Since 1999 Head of laboratory of pharmacokinetics at the Mental Health Research Center Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow, Russia
Pharmacokinetic investigations of psychotropic drugs. Therapeutic drug monitoring. Clinical pharmacokinetics of new original drugs and investigations on bioequivalence of generic drugs.
1991-1999 Head of laboratory of pharmacokinetics at the National Research Center of Biologically Active Compounds, Moscow region, Kupavna, Russia
Pharmacokinetic investigations of drugs with nootropic and antiamnestic properties. Tissue distribution, metabolism and pharmacokinetic interaction of hepatoprotective drugs and antioxidants. Clinical pharmacokinetics of new original drugs and investigations on bioequivalence of generic drugs.
1988-1991 Senior scientific asociate in the departament toxycology at the Central Institute of agrochemical service (Moscow), head of analytical group.
Analysis of trace quantities of pesticides by HPLC and GLC.
1983-1988 Research associate. Laboratory of neurochemical pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacology Moscow, Russia.
Assay of monoamines (DA, 5-HT, NE), their metabolites (DOPAC, HVA, 5-HIAA, MHPG) and mediator aminoacids (Glu, Asp, Gly, Tau, GABA) by HPLC with electrochemical or fluorescence detection. Evaluation of activities of tyrosine hydroxylase, tryptophan hydroxylase and MAO in vivo.




  1. Miroshnichenko I.I., , Sokolova G. B., Mokhireva L.V. Clinical pharmacokinetics of paraaminosalicylic acid tablets. In Antibiotiki & Chemotherapy 2009, No 1-2, P. 20-24-55. [Engl.trans.]
  2. Miroshnichenko I.I., Ptitsina S.N., Kuznetsova N.N., Kalmykov Yu. M. Homocysteine as a predictor of pathological changes in the human organism. In Russkiy Med. J. 2009, Vol.17, No 4, P. 224-227. [in Russian].
  3. Miroshnichenko I.I., Ptitsina S.N. Biomarkers in the modern medical and biologic practice In Biomed. Chimia 2009, Vol.55, No 4, P. 425-440. [Engl.trans.]
  4. Miroshnichenko I.I., , Lelishentsev A.A., Kalmykov Yu. M., Fedotov Yu. A., Ivashchenko A. A. Determination of amlodipine in blood plasma by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. In Chim. Pharm. J., 2008, Vol.42, No 6, P. 77-80. [Engl.trans.]
  5. Miroshnichenko I.I.,Gorshkova E.V. Individualization of antidepressive therapy. In Psychiatria 2007, No 3, P. 47-55. [Engl.trans.]
  6. Ptitsina S.N., Bobrov V. I., Sernov L. N., Borisov M. M., Ivanova I. Kh., Miroshnichenko I.I. Hplc determination of the new cardiotropic drug protecor in blood serum of animals. In Chim. Pharm. J., 2006, Vol.40, No 12, P. 44-46. [Engl.trans.]
  7. Miroshnichenko I.I., Ptitsina S.N. Genetic polymorphism and drug pharmacokinetics In Klinicheskaya pharmacokinetika, 2005, No 2, P.35-39. [in Russian].
  8. Miroshnichenko I.I.,Gorshkova E.V., Ylyanova E. Yu., Munchayeva E. R. Maprotiline in modern psychiatric practice. In Kremlevskaya medicina, 2005, No 1, P.75-78. [in Russian]].
  9. Miroshnichenko I.I.,Gorshkova E.V., Ylyanova E. Yu., Munchayeva E. R. Therapeutic drug monitoring of maprotiline. In Psychiatria 2004, No 6, P. 34-38. [Engl.trans.]
  10. Miroshnichenko I.I., Gorshkova E.V. Rational drug dosing: a history, present, prospect. In Klinicheskaya pharmacokinetika, 2004, No 1, P.43-46. [in Russian].
  11. Miroshnichenko I.I.,Tyulyaev I.I., Zuev A.P. Drug bioavailabikity. Moscow: Gramotey, 2003. - 101P. [in Russian].
  12. Miroshnichenko I.I. Basics of pharmacokinetics. Moscow: GEOTAR-MED, 2002. - 192P. [in Russian].
  13. Miroshnichenko I.I., Yurchenko N.I. Simultaneous determination of omeprazole and lansoprasole in plasma by HPLC.. In Chim. Pharm. J., 2002, Vol.36, No 7, P. 48-49. [Engl.trans.]
  14. Robakidze T.N., Metkalova S.E., Miroshnichenko I.I., Kolgina N. Iu., Burov Yu.V. Effect of the neurotoxin MPTP on the behavior and the level of major neuromediators in the brain of mice. In: Bulletin Experimental Biology & Medicine, 1999, Vol.128, N 11, P. 532-534. [Engl.trans.]
  15. Gorshkova E.V., Miroshnichenko I.I., Sernov L.N. Experimental pharmacokinetics of quaternidine in the rabbit. In: Drugs for men. Moskow, 1997, Vol.IV, P.170-175. [in Russian].
  16. Miroshnichenko I.I., Smirnov L.D., Voronin A.E.,Kuzmina S.Yu., Veretennikov N.A., Burov Yu.V. Effects of mexidole on contents of monoamine and aminoacids neutotransmitters in the rat brain. In: Bulletin Experimental Biology & Medicine, 1996, Vol.121, N 2, P. 170-173. [Engl.trans.]
  17. Burov Yu.V., Miroshnichenko I.I., Robakidze T.N., Voronin A.E., Imperato A., Gessa G. Neurochemical profile of amiridine - a new drug for dementia treatment. In Abstr. 1 Europ. Congress of Pharmacol, Milan, 1995, P.122.
  18. Emshanova S.V., Miroshnichenko I.I., Lashcheva O.Yu. The composition, sum of technology and pharmacokinetic study of nooglutil tablets. In Pharmacia, 1994, No 5, P.8-11. [in Russian].
  19. Miroshnichenko I.I. Optimization of determination of catechol- and indoleamines in brain tissue. In Bull. NRCBAC, 1994, No 2, P.74-78. [in Russian].
  20. Miroshnichenko I.I., Titova E.V., Kuzmina S.Yu., Tsoy A.N., Skachilova S.Ya. The pharmacokinetic of beta-adrenomimetic with prolonged action "Saltos" after single administration. In Pulmonology, 1994, No 2, P.29-32. [Engl.trans.]
  21. Miroshnichenko I.I., Smirnov L.D. Pharmacokinetics and neurochemistry of mexidole. In Eur. J. Pharmaceut.Sci., 1994, Vol.2., P.193.
  22. Kuzmina S.Yu., Miroshnichenko I.I. The quantitative determination on amino acid neurotransmitters in different regions of the rat brain. In Bull. NRCBAC, 1993, No 1, P.36-45. [in Russian].
  23. Miroshnichenko I.I., Kuzmina S.Yu., Smirnov L.D. Determination of mexidole contents in blood serum by HPLC using "Elsicon" concentration columns. In Chim. Pharm. J., 1994, Vol.28, No 4, P. 61-63. [Engl.trans.]
  24. Gainetdinov R.R., Miroshnichenko I.I., Kudrin V.S., Bogdanov M.B., Pogorelov V.M., Budygin Ye.A., Kovalev G.I., Rayevsky K.S. Neurochemical profiles of carbidine stereoisomers: comparative study. In Exper. Clin. Pharmacol., 1993, Vol.56, N 1, P. 24-27. [in Russian]
  25. Yukhananov R.Y., Tennila T.M.-L., Miroshnichenko I.I., Kudrin V.S., Ushakov A.N., Melnik E.I., Michaleva I.I., Rayevsky K.S., Airaksinen M.M., Maisky A.I. Ethanol and delta-sleep-inducing peptide: Effects on brain monoamines. In: Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 1992., Vol.43., N.3., P.683-687.
  26. Miroshnichenko I.I., Kretova L.G. Analysis of trace quantities of pesticides by liquid chromatography method. In: Agrochemistry, 1992, N 1, P.169-176. [Engl.trans.]
  27. Rayevsky K.S., Bondarenko N.A., Kudrin V.S., Miroshnichenko I.I. Cognitive deficiency induced by the acute stress in rats: a possible role of brain catecholaminergic systems" In: Ann. Ist. Super. Sanita, 1990, Vol. 26, P. 25-30.
  28. Shemanov A.Yu., Miroshnichenko I.I., Kudrin V.S., Rayevsky K.S. Influence of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine on tyrosine hydroxylation and content of biogenic amines and their metabolites in rat brain striatal synaptosomes" In: Neurochemistry, 1988, Vol. 7, N 7, P. 323-330. [in Russian]
  29. Bondarenko Nina A., Miroshnichenko I.I., Kudrin V.S., Bondarenko N.A. Effect of L-dihydroxyphenylalanine on the rat behaviour and brain catecholamine metabolism depending on the level of emotional behavioural reactivity" In: Bulletin Experimental Biology & Medicine, 1988, Vol.54, N 8, P. 168-170. [Engl.trans.]
  30. Miroshnichenko I.I., Kudrin V.S., Rayevsky K.S. Effects of carbidine, sulpiride and haloperidol on the contents of monoamines and their metabolites in rat brain regions" In Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1988, Vol.51, N 2, P. 26-29. [in Russian]
  31. Kudrin V.S., Miroshnichenko I.I., Rayevsky K.S. Difference in the mechanism of the autoreceptor regulation of dopamine release and biosynthesis in rat brain subcortical regions" In: Neurochemistry, 1988, Vol. 7, N 1, P. 3-10. [in Russian]
  32. Grechova T.V., Kudrin V.S., Miroshnichenko I.I., Romanova G.A. The role of monoamines in the recovery of conditioned reflexes after frontal cortex extirpation in rats" In: Bulletin Experimental Biology & Medicine, 1987, Vol.53, N 1, P. 12-14. [Engl.trans.]
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